The village of Muchilifi, Museno area, Shinyalu sub-county is in a somber mood after the collapse of a mining shaft that trapped 20 miners causing the death of 2 people. Imagine a family that depends on that deceased miner as their breadwinner. A son, a father, a husband that left in the morning in good health to go fend for their family never to come back home. The mental state of 18 miners who were lucky to come out alive is put at stake since mining is their main source of income. With the closing of the shaft it means they are left with no reliable source of income. The real question becomes: What will be the aftermath?

According to the mining site leadership, the dreadful incident has affected not only the survivors and their families but also their co-workers who are now experiencing anxiety with the fear of a similar occurrence. Talking to the site chairperson, the secretary and a mining cooperative leader, they mention the need for psychosocial support, financial support towards basic needs for the affected families, donation of PPEs and a joint training for the entire site workers on matters of safety and emergency response. To achieve all these, they recommended that we work closely with the mining site leadership.

We are therefore appealing for partnerships and collaborations from any partner who is willing to stand in solidarity with the survivors, their respective families and the affected site workers. Any support accorded to them either in terms of training expertise, psychosocial support, in kind or financial will be highly appreciated. To support write on: or paybill:400200 Account no: 877919